Saturday, January 7, 2012

More PS4 Specs!!

Blu-ray or HVD?
Many people have been saying that the next logical step for Sony is to ditch Blu-ray and go with HVD. HVD drives are just too expensive (a few thousand dollars) and too big.
Sony spent a lot of money on developing Blu-ray, why would they ditch it? Its wasteful and the fact that not a single developer has created a game that uses a full 50gb dual layer Blu-ray disc yet makes the extra space useless. And with a 100gb quad layer disc in development who needs HVD anyway?
Anyway to use the 100Gb disc you'll need a better Blu-ray drive with faster reading speeds. The PS3 has a 2x Blu-ray disc, 4x is the minimum to read a 100Gb disc. However the average read speed nowadays is 8x and it is relatively cheap, so I expect the PS4 to have at least an 8x drive which reads at 36Mb/s, so games should load much faster.
Hard drive or SSD?
SSDs are still to expensive to even be considered for a games console, so I expect spinning drives to stay with similar sizes of today’s PS3’s. I'm not sure if Sony will change the SATA port to SATA 2 or 3 considering hard drives still don’t reach the SATA 1 limit of 150 Mb/s.
PS4 USB connections
2 to 4 USB 3.0 connections are to be expected. Anyone who has ever done a full back-up of your PS3 would be grateful for USB 3 connections as backing up 100Gbs of install data, applications and save data can take about 8 hours, with USB 3 this should be halved.

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